Abbāsisds Extent of Benefiting from Alavids in Seizing Caliphate


Assistant Professor at History Department of Arak University



After the demise of the Prophet (PBUH), the Islamic society was separated into three groups: the emigrants who largely desired the caliphate of Abu Bakr, the Ansar who wanted the caliphate of Sa'd ibn 'Abadah, and the supporters of the caliphate of Imam Ali (AS). Meanwhile, Abbas and his four sons were positioned in the third group and supported the caliphate of Imam Ali (AS). The proximity of the Abbasids to the Alawites continued almost until the first century AH. At the beginning of the Abbasid uprising around 100 AH, they shrewdly made use of many Alawite propagation methods. Shrewdly overtaking their rivals, the Abbasids declared they are successors of Abu Hashem, the grandson of Imam Ali (AS).  The main question of this study is that how the Abbasids could utilize the Shiite rituals and supports in their uprising? In this research, the method of the Abbasids relations with the Shiite before coming to the office and the method of their instrumental use of the Shiite propagational patterns in fortifying their uprising are reviewed and analyzed to illustrate how much the Abbasids made use of such patterns to recruit the Shiite supports.   
