Virtuegraphy of the Sunnis about the Ahl al-Bayt: A Case study of Dorar al samt fi khbar al sabt


1 Assistant Professor of Khyyam University

2 PhD in Shiite Studies, University of Religions and Denominations



The spread of Shiism in Andalusia was very slow compared to other Islamic sects. In spite of the growth of various religious and academic thoughts, the situation for developing Alawid thoughts was not created. However, there are a number of monographs about the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt were written by the Sunni scholars in Andalusia. The book entitledDorar al samt fi khbar al sabtis one of the virtuegraphies penned by Ibn-e Abbar Andalusia (deceased in 658) emphasizing on the Ashura tragedy. Studying such works would be useful in know the viewpoints of sunnis about the Ahl al-Bayt in Andalusia. The main question addressed in this research is that what role had the book Dorar al samt fi khbar al sabt played in introducing the Ahl al-Bayt in Andalusia? As this work is written in a space and time far from a Shiite atmosphere, it seemingly reflects the influx and influence of the Ahl al-Bayts' thoughts to people who have been affected and governed by opposition and fanatical governments. Likewise, this work has been influential in softening and modifying the Sunnis' fanatical views towards the Ahl al-Bayt.
