Imam Hussain (AS) reasons to refuse pledge allegiance to Yazid


Assistant Professor at Shia History at Islamic Sciences and Culture Research Academy



Imam Hussein's (AS) resistance to not pledging allegiance to Yazid led to an unequal war between the two. In the meantime, and about why Imam Hussein did not pledge allegiance to Yazid, more attention has been paid to the personality of Muawiyah's son, the characteristics of the Shiites of Kufa, and the divine destiny. The main issue of the research is that if Imam Hussein's non-allegiance to Yazid is examined in a historical way, what factors are more important in this decision of Imam (AS)? The findings of this study show that in the primary sources, the Imam's hope for the Kufis help or giving in to a certain destiny had little effect on non-allegiance. Yazid's personality can only be a part of the reason. Meanwhile, the confrontation between the Umayyads and the Alawites and the efforts of the Umayyads to destroy the character of Imam Ali and the Shiites is one of the most important factors in the Imam's non-allegiance to Yazid, which has received less attention. According to the usual practice of the Islamic society, with the death of Muawiyah, the election of the caliph should have been left to the Muslim Council. Thus, according to the personality of Imam Hussein (AS) and his social and political status, it was possible for the caliphate to return to the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) family. While the election of Yazid as crown prince and the transformation of the caliphate into a hereditary monarchy made it impossible for the caliphate to return to the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) family forever.
