Political-Religious Behavior of the Talebian in the Age of Imam Hasan Askari (AS)


Seminary Graduate and PhD of the History of Islam at Tehran University for Islamic Denomination



Talebian or the grandchildren of Abu Talib (Ali's and Ja'far's Progenies) have played a significant role in the second half of the third centuries. The assassination of Mutawakkil (d. 223-247) and the increase in the internal conflicts of the Abbasids paved the way for an increase in political-religious activities in the Islamic world. The family of Abu Talib, who claimed the caliphate due to their kinship with the Prophet (PBUH), also used the aforementioned pretext. The main problem of the research is to know what political-religious actions did the Talebian show against the Abbasids? Based on the view of "family behaviorism", this article analyzes the descriptive-analytical historical and hadith data and shows that the Talebian, who were religiously divided into two groups, "Imami" and "Zaidi", in terms of political thought, they have manifested "convergent", "divergent" and "silent" behaviors.
