The Prophet's strategies and solutions in facing the opponents from the perspective of the Majma‘ al-Bayan


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Farhangian University

2 Doctoral student of Isfahan University

3 PhD student of Iranian Islamic History of Shahid Chamran University



always been one of the controversial issues in the history of Islam. In the contemporary period, some researchers, especially some orientalists, highlighted the violent encounters of the Prophet (PBUH) with some of his opponents and accused the Prophet (PBUH) of violence. In addition to historical sources, the most important and reliable source for recognizing the behavior of the Prophet (PBUH) in relation to the opponents are the verses of the Qur'an and the interpretations and traditions related to those verses. In the meantime, Majma‘ al-Bayan fi-Tafsir al-Qur'an (compiled in 536) is one of the most important and comprehensive commentaries. This commentary is known for its comprehensiveness and fairness in examining different opinions. Therefore, the present article, relying on the interpretation of Majma‘ al-Bayan, analyzes and examines the life of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) in the face of opponents (Pagans, people of the book (Ahl al-kitāb), hypocrites (Munāfiq) and the like). The current research seeks to answer the basic question that the method of confronting the Prophet (PBUH) with the opponents was based on what principles? The findings of the research show that the behavior of the Prophet (PBUH) in dealing with opponents was based on two main strategies of interaction with opponents and confrontation with opponents (enemies) and in line with these two main strategies, the Holy Prophet also used different strategies in dealing with opponents and adversarys of Islam. These solutions have been different according to the different nature of the actions of the opponents and adversarys of Islam.
