An Analysis of Strategic Characteristics of Imam Sadegh (S.A,) Against Religious Deviations and Disbeliefs

Document Type : Original Article


1 azad gonabad uni

2 history of azazd un


Appearance and rising of various verbal thoughts and ideas
along with different deviated forms of religious tenets and sects
in the first half of the second century (A.H.) forced the leader of
the Shiite Muslims; Imam Sadegh (S.A.) to struggle hard against
his opponents in different ways.
He tried to take wise and moderate positions according to rules
and principles of Islam and maintain true Islam from deviated
beliefs by negating false hypotheses and untrue thoughts, and
also showing their defects and contradictory beliefs.
The present study analyzes Imam Sadegh attitudes and
approaches confirming that the holy Imam has applied scientific,
reasonable methods to encounter and defeat his opponents.
