Approach Civilizational to the Imam's Appointment in Ghadir-e Khom


Associate Professor of Islamic Art and Civilization at Islamic Culture and Science Research Academy



To know and to analyze the content of what occurred in Ghadir-e Khom, many activities have been carried out. Shias have regarded the issue of Ghadir-e Khom through a religious lens and have shown this event beyond humanistic estimations and its sociopolitical assumptions. However, this question flashes into mind that if this event is reconcilable to intellectualism and accords with humanistic legal intellectual bases. The approach; however, is not a duty-based one, and it is important to answer this question that with which political pattern this issue is defendable. Deploying an interdisciplinary method of political philosophy and history through a civilizational lens, the researcher attempts to answer this significant question that according to the Shia belief, how is the Prophet's action in this respect compatible to the Muslims' sociopolitical rights? The finding of this research show that Imam Ali's appointment in Ghadir-e Khom was in proportion to the need of Islamic society to a wise successor and ruler, so that he is able to guide the Muslim society to Islamic values. This guidance had been in line with the Prophet's measures which is to free human from bonds, to spread intellectualism, and to do justice and freedom for humans
