Hemotherapy in Razavi Medical Traditions


1 Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

2 Mentor Department of Islamic Teachings, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences , Mashhad, Iran



Nutrition and health care are among the Shiite Imams topics of interest. In this respect, many guidelines have been attributed to Imam Reza (AS), known as "Razavi medicine". "Blood therapy", one of the most common therapies in the imam's era, is of paramount significance in Razavi medicine. The main question of this study is to investigate the method of blood therapy in Razavi medicine. Blood therapy means affecting the amount of blood flow at a particular point, changing the blood volume with blood drawing, lowering the body blood through the veins and capillaries using methods called venisection (fasd), phlebotomy (hijamat), cupping, and massage. Having investigated Razavi medicine and doing a document-based, content, and indication criticism of related traditions on homotherapy, it is revealed that the recommended methods solely applicable and prescriptible to specific audience.
