Pathology of the Presuppositions and Principles in the Ahl al-Bayts' Historical Studies


Associate Professor of the Theology Department at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences



Recognizing the Shiite Imams histories and conducts should be carried out by using specific presuppositions and principles. Ignoring these presuppositions and principles would face problems for the study of the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conduct. The main problem to be stated in this research is to investigate the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conduct presuppositions and principles. The main intent of the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conducts studies is to reach unified and fixed principles to prevent from the opinions' chaos and diversity. Thus, before studying of the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conduct, it is vital to state these presuppositions and principles to make the reaching of the fixed principles easier. Some researchers are either ignorant of these presuppositions or they consider wrong presuppositions by not paying attention to the Shiite legacy. Deploying a theological and historical analysis, this research has introduced the presuppositions and principles of the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conduct studies among which we may refer to not comparing the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) to the politicians, avoiding exaggeration and understatement, not sufficing to narrate the virtues, knowing the philosophy of the imamate, considering the position of the imamate and differentiating it with political leadership, having a linear study of the imams' lives, and having an affirmative view to the Ahl al-Bayts' (AS) conduct.
