The Contribution of Abu Rāfi' Clan in the Position of Calligraphy in the Era of Imam Ali (A.S) Caliphate


1 Associate Professor of The History Department at Razavi University of Islamic Sciences

2 M.A Graduate of Islamic History and Civilization at Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, PhD Candidate of Mashhad Seminary.



Calligraphy has been one of the most important positions of the Qur'an. This position has been of significant importance in the era of caliphs namely Imam Ali (A.S). The main research question here is that what significance has the issue of calligraphy had in the era of Imam Ali (A.S) and what play had Abu Rāfi' clan played in calligraphy in the era of Imam Ali (A.S)? Having studied the historical and traditional sources, the current research has investigated the position of calligraphy and calligraphists in the era of Imam Ali (A.S). Among the key figures of this era in Abu Rāfi' clan, specially the role of Ubayd Allah ibn Abi Rāfi' has been analyzed in Imam Ali's (A.S) calligraphy era. The present has attempted to state the duties and features of the position of calligraphy using the sayings of the Imam. With respect of the Imam's sayings, it seems that calligraphy had had a specific position. To do so, the most significant calligraphist of that era, Ubayd Allah ibn Abi Rāfi' and his clan, has been studied.
