Management in the Perspective of the Alawite Government and International Documents


1 Assistant Professor at Law Department at Payame Noor University

2 Assistant Professor at Islamic Sciences and Theology at Payame Noor University



Amir al-Mu'minin (AS) considered the government as a human thing. He considered the presence and participation of the people in the government as the main factor in the formation and stability of the government and considered the cooperation of the ruler and the people in achieving the goals necessary. His manners (Sirah) indicates the attention to the people by the government and management and their importance in organizing social affairs. Imam Ali (AS) also considered the rule of law as a criterion for the acceptance of the government. The main question of the article is what management strategies the Alawite government had in mind for the ruler of the society and for the interaction between the people and the government, and what were the methods to achieve this interaction? This article examines the management features in the Alawite government by descriptive-analytical method and with reference to Nahj al-Balagha and compares them with contemporary international legal documents. The findings of this study show that in the Alawite government, attention to the principle of allegiance to the ruler, the ruler's interaction with the people in managing society, the possibility of error in the government, requesting advice from the people, the failure of the government if the people do not accompany, attention to social control and, in a word, the rule of law have been considered.
