Modernization of Hadith; A Case Study of Abu Talib's Sira


1 Associate Professor of the Department for Nahj al-Balagha at The Qur'an and Hadith Department

2 PhD student of Islam Teaching Knowledge branch of Ethics at The Qur'an and Hadith University



The modernization of hadith means the discovery of a universal criterion from the way of life of the infallibles to follow the example of all believers. In addition to the infallibles, the manners of those whose behavior is approved by the infallibles can also be useful in the matter of modernization. Abu Talib as a great supporter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), while maintaining his pre-Islamic position, played an important role in the formation and continuation of Islamic society. Despite the lack of faith behavior, his actions have been confirmed by the Prophet and the Imams (AS) and they have explicitly addressed the faith of Abu Talib. Hence, the main issue of the article is whether the modernization of Abu Talib's biography can provide a model and standard for modern believers? Carrying out a historical investigation about the existing reports of Abu Talib's life in support of the Prophet and based on the Imams confirmations of Abu Talib's behaviors, this research has proven that using an ultra-time and space criterion of modernization, it is possible to model Abu Talib's conduct with respect to the day's needs.
