Abu Talib's Treatises of Faith


1 Professor of Religious Studies of Miami University

2 Assistant Professor of History and Islamic Nations Civilization at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad



This paper is to investigate some treaties about the Prophet's uncle faith, Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib (died in 619). The controversy about Abu Talib's position in the Hereafter is the result of a bulky volume of reports that condemn him to the hellfire for not embracing Islam, while there exists other reports that confess to his everlasting faith and faith in the Prophethood. The first taxonomy reports are compiled in Hadith books of Bukhari and Muslim Sahih and the second category are mentioned in the Shia books of Sira and Hadith. Shia scholars believe in Abu Talib's faith and salvation which is accompanied with a number of Sunni scholars. According to the majority of Sunni scholars, historical proofs and reasons to prove Abu Talib's faith to Islam and his salvation in the hereafter are insufficient and irrelevant. However, a considerable change of direction in the ideology of some Sunni scholars occurred. In the contrary to some early Sunni scholars whom consider this viewpoint impossible or have rejected its explicitness, a number of Sunni scholars in the recent five centuries have got the same views as of the Shia scholars to Abu Talib's salvation. This paper has investigated theological reasons and arguments which have been used by early Shia scholars and Sunni scholars in the recent centuries that support Abu Talib's salvation.
