The invitation strategies of Imam Ṣādiq (as) confronting his contemporary intellectual movements


Visiting professor, University of Al-Zahra



The main duty of the Prophets and Imams (as) is to proclaim the word of God to people and invite them to embrace religion. Therefore, it is imperative to study the strategies of their teachings in terms of religious literature. Such studies expose the perfect way of transmitting religious teachings to people to improve the capacities of preaching and will lead eventually to the increasing tendency of audiences toward religion. Imam Ṣādiq (as), like other Imams, had special strategies for his religious teachings, particularly when he sought to confront the intellectual movements during his life. Thus, the question raised in this inquiry is what kind of strategies does Imam Ṣādiq (as) use to confront the contemporary intellectual movement? Findings reveal that Imam Ṣādiq (as) mostly uses the strategy of debate for preaching and inviting his audiences to embrace Islam. He has always paid attention to his audiences’ mental potentiality and delivered his messages based on their intellects. He, also, employs the strategy of scientific correspondence with the scholars and thinkers of his era. Moreover, another strategy against his opponents or the ones for whom he has no hope in their guidance is to reject and repulse them.
