Reasons for Imam Ali's (As) non-uprising after the death of Prophet (PBUH)


Assistant Professor of History and Civilization Department at Islamic Research and Sciences Academy



Imam ʿAlī (As) as the designated successor of the Prophet (PBUH) after Abu Bakr took office, despite all the protests he had in this regard, did not start an armed uprising and was patient. Did he not intend to rise from the beginning and the Prophet (PBUH) ordered him to wait anyway, or did he evaluate the situation and come to the conclusion that now is not the time for an armed uprising? This research, by examining historical and Ḥadīth sources, especially Nahj al-Balāghah, and by using the descriptive and analytical method, has shown that although the Prophet (PBUH) commanded the Commander of the Faithful (PBUH) to wait, he absolutely forbade him from rising. In fact, Imam ʿAlī (As) was appointed to rise up and take back his right if he had the power and without threatening Islam. But the special situation of the Islamic society after the death of the Prophet (PBUH), the lack of popular acceptance, the lack of serious and sufficient supporters and the various dangers that threatened the nascent Islamic society, prevented the Imam (As) from rising.
