The effectiveness of four narratives related to the attributes of greed, envy, generosity and forgiveness in Biḥār al-Anwār from folk proverbs: analysis and dating of the narratives


1 PhD student of Quran and Ḥadīth Sciences at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

2 Assistant Professor of Quran and Ḥadīth Sciences at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch



Examining the proverbs in the narrations and finding the date of their production and the original speaker will help us to distinguish the narrations from the proverbs. In this research, on the basis of the proverbs in Majmaʿ al-amthāl Maydānī, the narrations of Biḥār al-Anwār have been examined. Narratives containing proverbs in Biḥār al-Anwār can be categorized into three areas of thought, attributes and heart feelings, and human performance. In this article, there are narrations from Biḥār al-Anwār, including the proverbs of “The greedy are deprived”, “There is no rest for the envious”, “Generosity is from intelligence, and baseness is from blindness of heart” and “Where can you get a perfect brother, and which man is decent and free from all defects, That are in the field of heart traits of greed, envy, Generosity and forgiveness have been investigated.
In the current research, by examining the time of the sources and examining the documents, the narrators and the text of the narrations, it was found that the first speakers of these allegorical phrases were not the innocent ones; Rather, literary and wise people such as Ibrahim ibn Adham, Abu Dardā' and Aktham ibn Ṣayfī were the first speakers of these proverbs. Then these allegorical expressions entered the narrations at the end of the first century and the first half of the second century. Also, this research shows the effectiveness of narrations from folk proverbs.
