The Story of Muhammad ]PBUH[ and Zaynab Bint Ǧaḥš in Historical and Exegetical Sources: Origins and Transformations


1 Senior Lecturer in Islamic Studies, University of Edinburgh

2 Ph. D Candidate of History & Civilization of Islamic Societies, Tehran University



Qurʾān commentators and Historians have always paid attention to the issue of Muhammad’s  ]PBUH[ Multiple Marriages. meanwhile, Muḥammad’s  ]PBUH[ controversial marriage with Zaynab bt Ǧaḥš and its origins and Transformations in Islamic History have a special Place. The fact that the story features in different genres of Islamic literature as well as in non-Muslim sources allows for a reconstruction of how and where the story emerged, how it spread, and to what extent it was transformed over time. In the course of this reconstruction, the article critically assesses different approaches to the historicity of reports on the life of Muḥammad  ]PBUH[. With its analysis of later Muslim sources, it also illustrates different strategies of reinterpreting and recasting traditions and shows how societal change and different ideologies influenced the interpretation of the story.
